Can children learn Math on their own by using technology? Khan Academy and Sal Khan certainly seemed to think so. We decided to try it as an experiment and Sree Karpagavalli Vidyalaya, a government-aided school in Mylapore run by our friend Mr. Gopalan was willing to let us try. For a month we worked with three 6th grade children in the school who volunteered for the trial. Each of the three had very different levels of ability as far as Maths was concerned. To our surprise, what we found was that all three improved in relation to their respective abilities. The Child who was extremely weak in the subject showed extreme commitment and engagement to learning in spite of his difficulty. The child who found Maths a breeze could easily learn topics that had not been taught in class . We knew we were onto something exciting. The next step would be to see how we can introduce this to the children.