Like we always say, I wanna learn is about you and making your journey with Math fun and easy. You give us your time and commitment, we give you our word that you will learn and love Math over time.
To make your learning fun and exciting, we have broken down the big ocean of Mathematics into rivers called “Topics” and further into streams called “Goals” and then into small rivulets called “Skills”. Each skill is further broken into small trickles called “Units” that will be visible to you on your dashboard.
As a learner, you start with the trickles, and you realise you are beginning to like playing in the water. Pretty soon, you are wading in the rivulets and enjoying it, and guess what? before you know it, you are splashing around in the streams, and then from the streams, it is a not a big deal for you learning to swim in rivers, and within no time you are super-comfortable swimming in the big, wide ocean of mathematics.
If that visualisation was fun, it is back to reality now! Let’s talk about each unit and what we have provided for you. At each unit level, we have videos and animated PowerPoint presentations. These videos are crisp and to the point, and the best part is you can watch them as many times as you want. The animated Power Points are so exciting to watch because they present to you the concepts in bite-sized lines and animated drawings that make it a radically different experience compared with reading form a book or a pdf. We would love to hear your feedback on these after you try them, because we feel this format has not been attempted before with learning on any other platform.
After learning every component, we have a practice section where you can test yourself out. Fluency and speed, we believe, are the two cornerstones of Math learning. So we have designed them to help you measure yourself against both. The beauty of learning sometimes is in the rigour, and therefore, we will not let you move ahead till you solve each question correctly. Remember, whether you finish these skills slowly or quickly, it is your journey and you are not comparing yourself with anyone else or racing against others. You can count your personal wins and rejoice one nano skill at a time while we cheer you on from the sideline.
We are all born with extraordinary powers of imagination, intelligence, feeling, intuition, spirituality, and of physical and sensory awareness
-Sir Ken Robinson