If you read Our Story you will know our journey began inside schools and for that reason it will be a huge part of our mission to work with schools.
We believe in placing the agency of learning on the learner and therefore the focus of I wanna learn will always be learner centric. As an institution that is imparting education to many children,we know your focus would also be similar.
I wanna learn has been designed as per board recommended curriculum we currently have our content mapped to ICSE, CBSE and most State Boards in India.
I Wanna Learn has been designed by breaking the Topic into Themes,Goals, and Skills and presenting to the learner bite sized chunks of learning that they can master .The content is available in the form of videos and/or animated power point presentations for learning. Practice exercises is available for practicing and achieving mastery in the content. As an institution you are free to use these hundreds of animated power points as teaching resources, use I wanna learn in a blended learning model too.This would be entirely up to you.
Having said that we have a recommended process and path that we have tried and tested with great success in all the thirty government schools we have worked with so far.If you would like to hear more about that please reach out to us.On the other hand,if you clear how you would be using the platform for your institution,reach out to us and we will enable the experience you are looking out for,within the overall ambit of our philosophy
We are all born with extraordinary powers of imagination, intelligence, feeling, intuition, spirituality, and of physical and sensory awareness
-Sir Ken Robinson